

Just when you thought California legislators were wasting all their money, time and resources on gay marriage...another pet project has taken center stage. This week, legislators in Sacramento approved a bill that will ban trans-fat in restaurants and other food facilities. Consider this one small step for the health "movement" and one enormous step away from personal freedom and responsibility.
When did it become a government's responsibility to dictate what a citizen should eat and not eat? I hope everyone can recognize the greater issue here. This is not about health. This is not about obesity or heart conditions. This is about government control. This is about government regulating what can and can not happen with its private citizens. This is "run-away" governing.
This is bigger than any "big brother" conspiracy. This is real. This is your government telling you "you are not allowed to make that choice of whether to ingest trans-fat or not." The State of California is now using tax dollars and government resources to re-write the menu of your favorite restaurant.
Who are they to tell me I can't eat trans-fat? They can't balance a budget. They can't maintain the infrastructure. But they dictate how my food is prepared? This is BS in its truest form, people.
There is a concept that is lacking in this country (and particularly in California). It's called personal accountability. It's called personal responsibility. The information is there, kids. The resources exist. Trans-fat is not good for you. Everyone knows that! No one is withholding that information from the general public. We are aware of the dangers of consuming foods with high levels of trans-fat. But if Joe Public wants to consume something that isn't good for his health and the information exists to help him make his decision, then Joe Public should be able to consumer what ever he chooses!
We are so quick to dismiss these types of decisions by lawmakers because we consider them meaningless and well-intentioned. But this is just the beginning. If the government is allowed to control your eating habits than where does it stop? Doesn't this open the flood gates for bans on high fructose corn syrup? Or salt? Or sugar? Or meat?
And don't forget the real message here. The State of California is telling you that you are too stupid to decide for yourself what you should eat. They are telling you they know what is best.
Is this really the role we want our government to play in our lives? You (and Arnold) will decide.
- Scream Jerk


WARNING: Animals Were Injured During The Writing Of This Blog

I had the misfortune of tasting "tofurkey" recently. I don't get the concept. It looks like turkey, it's shaped like a turkey and it's turkey flavored. Why not just eat the real thing? Why do vegetarians and vegans have to trick themselves into eating what they eat?

Here are some examples of vegan "meat" trickery and the main ingredients:

1) Baby Back Ribs - bean curd stick
2) Ham - dried bean milk sheets
3) Meatloaf - rehydrated TVP (or textured vegetable protein)
4) Fish - firm tofu
5) Chicken - fresh yuba or bean curd skin

You really have to be dedicated to your diet to stomach that much bean curd and tofu over a life time.

What do you think a vegan's stool looks like? Bean curd? Or maybe vegans don't even shit. Maybe they secreet a odorless gas that powers their reconfigured 1970's Volvo.

If not eating meat or animal products is so healthy why do vegans look so sick and colorless?