Attention all you beer chugging single guys still living with your parents. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. According to recent reports it appears as though Jennifer Aniston is finally ready to date again. With the ink finally dry on her divorce from Brad Pitt, Aniston says she is ready to start playing the field again. Look for her personal ad on Another-Fucked-Up-Celebrity-Relationship.com.
Speaking of such relationships, Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger have called it quits after about three minutes of marriage, leaving the whole world to wonder "Who the hell cares?"
It appears as though Kate Moss has been seen using cocaine and consequently lost a recent modeling gig. Is it any surprise that this rail does cocaine? She weighs nine pounds, always looks sick and can barely keep her eyes open. I say let her keep doing it. A line of coke probably contains more calories than her last fourteen meals.
That's our brief report from the Hollywood Hole. Remember, Hollywood will always be better than you, so don't you ever fuckin' forget it!!
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