When Hollywood wants to make a statement, they really make a statement. Last night, the gay cowboy romance film "Brokeback Mountain" won four Golden Globes including best drama.
As a film critic it is my job to weed out the bad films and share with you the good films. However, I didn't really see this one so I'm going to wing it. Because I love to hear myself type.
Brokeback Mountain stars Heath Ledger and that guy from Jarhead. They are gay cowboys who travel the country committing sodomy on one another at several different locations, including a Motel 8 breakfast buffet spread.
The message in this film is quite clear - don't go camping with cowboys.
An now for the critique. The controversy surrounding this film has got to be better than anything about the film itself. Movie houses is Utah won't show it. Churches are up in arms. It begs the question, what would John Wayne think? Can you imagine John Wayne starring in such a film? "Take off your pants, partner, and grab your ankles."
Because of the critical acclaim the film has received other producers and directors are thinking about revisiting their best creations and adding a little twist. Here are some examples.
In this new version of the George Lucas classic, Darth Vader not only reveals that he is Luke's father but he also breaks the news that Luke has "two daddies."
If you think you knew everything about the Mafia, think again. It's revealed in this remake that every single person involved in organized crime is a flaming homosexual.
It turns out there's one more thing the gardener can't stop doing...dudes.
and Coming This Summer
The two superheroes team up to protect the city from a horrible crime spree orchestrated by the religious Right. Oh, and on the side, they do it.
POLITICAL SIDENOTE/VIEWPOINT: While I agree that you shouldn't be told who you can and can't fall in love with, I must say that the gay community is certainly making a push for some kind approval from everyone. Most people would agree with me that homosexuality has been met with relative acceptance over the last ten years. It is clear in the movies and TV shows that we watch. But they won't stop there. You see, the gay community isn't looking for acceptance anymore. Now they want your approval. They want you to say that we accept you being gay and we also approve, too. But maybe that's taking it too far. Maybe they're asking for too much too soon. Simply put - be gay, enjoy being gay. But don't ram it down my throat (poor choice of words). I accept you as a human being making your own choices, but I don't have to agree with it.